Crystal Lake, Illinois
Basset Hound fanciers from around the world gathered in Crystal Lake, Illinois USA and its environs to meet and compete with our favorite breed.
Core Committee
Coordinator: Brian Pechtold
Co-Coordinator: David Crawford
Show Chair:
Field Trial Chair:
Hunt Test Chair:
Obedience & Rally Chair:
Agility Chair: Cheryl Cieslinski
Tracking Chair: David Crawford
Scent Work Chair:
Webmaster: JD Carpenter
Holiday Inn Crystal Lake, Crystal Lake, Illinois
Conformation Shows, Obedience Trials, Rally Trials, Education Events, Annual Meeting, Annual Dinner
Northern Illinois Beagle Club, Roscoe, Illinois
Field Trials & Hunting Performance Tests
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Agility Trials & Scent Work Trials
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Tracking Tests
Click here for complete results file