Who may Participate?
Basset Hounds with AKC Full or Limited Registration at least 6 months of Age
Spayed or Neutered Bassets
Bitches in Season (may compete with Bitches)
Who May Not Participate?
Dogs with PAL Numbers
We all know that our Basset Hounds have a distinctive appearance. Some may be surprised that the reason Bassets look the way they do is that they were bred to be incredible hunters of small game, primarily rabbit or hare. Many of their distinctive features were selected for in breeding programs to enhance their hunting ability and the ability to be followed on foot. There is no greater joy than seeing or hearing good running Basset Hounds on a scent. Hounds and their handlers both enjoy this fascinating sport.
The Basset Hound Club of America was formed primarily by Field Trial enthusiasts in 1935. Shortly after the BHCA was organized, members held field trials in Michigan and in Pennsylvania. It wasn’t long until two trials a year were conducted in Michigan, Ohio or Pennsylvania. Today, many Field Trials are run primarily in the East, Midwest, Northwest and West regions by local Basset Hound Club of America member clubs. There are usually two BHCA National Field Trial events each year, one in the spring and another in the fall. To find a Basset Hound Field Trial, search the Events Calendar. Even if you don’t compete, it is something every Basset Hound owner should see.
July 2020: Update to AKC Rules for Basset Hound Field Trials
AKC recently updated the rules for basset hound field trials to allow for the use of colored collars instead of painting numbers on the dogs. AKC Notice: Colored Collars