Crowne Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, Denver Airport
Host hotel for the 2019 National Specialty

2019 Nationals Hotel
The host hotel for the 2019 BHCA Nationals is the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, Denver Airport. The hotel is located off Interstate 70 at Chambers Road in Aurora, Colorado. It is 11 miles (12 minutes) from Denver International Airport and has free shuttle service for guests. The site is easily accessible by major highway, is just south of Denver Downtown and 72 miles north of Colorado Springs. Mountain resort areas can be reached within minutes.
Reservations are already being accepted for the 2019 Nationals at the special rate of $125 a night. You need to call the hotel directly at 866-378-1583 and identify yourself as being with the Basset Hound Cub of America to secure the special rate.

Convention Center Entrance

The Crowne Plaza has a separate entrance and lobby for the Convention Center with a large parking lot with plenty of room for RV Parking. The Convention Center lobby is close to all the Salons where you can find grooming and show rings.

Convention Center Map
Conformation, obedience and rally will take place in Salons B and C which are easily accessible to the Convention Center entrance, parking lot, RV parking and dog walking areas. The Welcome Party will take place in the Atrium on Monday, September 30th. Evening Hospitality takes place on the 6th Floor Boardroom and education will take place in the Breckenridge room. Evening education with our guest speaker Dr. Bonnie Abbott will be in Salon A and includes cocktails and dinner.