Learn about Our Breed
The Public Education Committee works to provide educational opportunities in areas that will be of interest to the public, as well as assist Basset Hound Clubs or other groups by providing useful materials for Meet The Breeds and other similar events. Their work is on behalf of the Basset Hound Club of America and Basset Hound Owners everywhere.
The Committee is happy to provide impartial guidance and referral information to prospective new owners seeking advice or assistance.
The Chairperson of the Public Education Committee is Breeder/Judge Sue Smyth. If you have questions for her, email her at OldYork2002@aol.com.
Materials that may be duplicated with written permission from the Public Education Chairperson for Basset Hound Club of America Member Clubs only are shown below.
Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) Program for Non-Registered Basset Hounds
Remember, even if your Basset Hound is not registered, you may be able to participate in many events using a Purebred Alternative Listing or PAL Number. You may then participate in many of the events listed in the Events Section of this Website. You can learn more about the PAL program from the AKC.
Safety First
These two signs may be reproduced - simply download the PDF and print. One sign is designated for use on a house and the other for your vehicle. Print with your computer and have a greater sense of security whether you are traveling with dogs in the car, or dogs may be home alone. You can print as a decal as well.