Timberline Basset Hound Club Specialty – Conformation, Rally and Obedience
Monday, September 30th, 2019 - 8 am
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Salons B and C
The Timberline Basset Hound Club Specialty will be on Monday, September 30th at the host hotel. There will two rings set up in Salons B and C with Obedience and Rally in one ring and Conformation in the second ring.
Timberline and Valle del Sol Combined Premium: 2019_Combined TBHC &_VDSBHC_Premium List
- There will be coffee and light breakfast in the lobby of the Convention Center entrance.
- There will be a cash lunch each day in Salon A.
- Reserved grooming is in Salon D

Convention Center Map
Obedience and Rally - 8:00 am
Obedience will begin at 8:00 am followed by Rally in the same ring
Judge: Linda Scanlon
Junior Showmanship and Conformation - 8:00 am
Judge for Juniors: Linda Scanlon
Judge for all conformation: Penny Swan