Granting Policies of the BHCA Foundation

Questions the BHCAF Asks:

• Is the request aligned with the BHCAF's purposes?
• Is the group credible (i.e., clear evidence of outside financial support, use of best accounting and operating practices, successful with its mission, has longevity, provides references, etc)
• Does the BHCAF have the money?

General Policies:

• BHCAF is committed to leveraging its resources against other support that eligible groups or individuals receive, therefore, BHCAF will not make awards to individuals or organizations without other types/sources of support.
• Grant money must be used for the stipulated purpose for which it was requested.
• BHCAF is more likely to fund larger grants from organizations/individuals who have established records of success with previous funding from smaller grants.

Expenditures the BHCAF will fund (but is not limited to):

• Capital expenditures (construction of kennels, IT or telecom infrastructure, etc.)
• Capacity building (obtaining 501c3 status, building fund raising capability, etc.)
• Jump starting well-defined, fund raising projects
• Public education projects with a specific focus on Basset Hounds
• Expansion plans that have the potential to increase a group's effectiveness
• Emergency funds for natural disaster events and puppy mill closings
• Peer-reviewed canine medical/health-related research studies
• Medical expenses for rescued dogs

Expenditures the BHCAF will NOT fund:

• General operating expenses for any organization or individual
• Debt reduction
• Contributions to endowment funds
• Purchases at puppy mill auctions or dispersal sales.

What the BHCAF requires:

• A Completed BHCAF application form:

• Evidence of 501(c)3 status for groups who request in excess of $1000;
• A statement of other support (amounts and sources, either past or current) for the proposed activity;
• A report on the use of the grant, its effectiveness in addressing the purposes for which it was awarded and any other pertinent information. This report is to be filed with the BHF within a year of receiving an award. If an award is multi-year, recipients will report annually on the anniversary date of the initial award;
• Acknowledgment of the BHCAF's grant in appropriate grantee publicity. The following statement must be included in all references to or materials about BHCAF-supported activities: “We acknowledge the BHCA Foundation’s support for this project.”

Funding Cycles:

The BHCAF does not have specific funding cycles with grant request deadlines.

Additional Comments on Grants:

The BHCAF has tried to keep its policy broad in order to accommodate a wide variety of requests. It is the intent of the Foundation to be flexible in reviewing these requests and the applicants. The Directors recognize that there are “many roads to Mecca.” This is particularly true in Rescue. Groups grow out of their local conditions and this is part of each group's strength. However, there are certain minimal standards which the Foundation must apply to all applicants. These standards involve fiscal
responsibility and the reliability of the applicant and applicants’ ability to garner other sources of support. The Foundation is a public entity using public funds. Accountability to the donors, to the public, and to the IRS is part of the Foundation's responsibility.

If you are not sure how to fill out an application or whether your request falls within the guidelines, please contact us directly by e-mailing, writing or calling any of the BHF Directors. The BHCAF's purpose is to help.

Rescue groups:
Click here to download the Rescue Grant Application in an MSWord file.
Click here to download the Rescue Grant Application in a PDF file.

Organizations seeking funds that are not involved in rescue:
Click here to download the Grant Application Form in an MSWord file.
Click here to download the Grant Application Form in a PDF file.