We are very sad to have to report to the membership that BHCA President Gene McDonald has submitted his resignation from the Board of Directors effective July 11, 2023. Gene's letter of resignation states that since stepping back from the Presidency, his stress levels and health are improved, and that he wants to continue in that vein. Having served on 16 different BHCA boards in different capacities, and having coordinated 19 National Specialties, Gene is certainly entitled by his years of service to attend to his wellness! Gene will continue to serve as Co-Coordinator/Show Chair of the 2023 National Specialty, and as the Futurity/Maturity Secretary. We wish him well and continued good health.
Sylvie McGee, under provisions of the BHCA bylaws, will serve as President through the end of the President's term, and Sue Boyd has graciously agreed to accept appointment as 1st Vice President for the balance of the 1st VP term.