This year, we had a number of items on the election ballots.
- Electronic votes are reported on Simply Voting at:
- Paper votes were tallied and reported by the Tellers Committee, chaired by Sherry Moore (west), Vicki Russell (central) and Bjorn Zetterlund (east).
Here are the results:
Bylaws Amendments (requires 2/3 vote to pass)
Three of the proposed Bylaws amendments passed: changes required by the AKC, changes to conform with Wisconsin state law, and updating the reference to amendments to include electronic voting.
The balance of the proposed amendments failed.

Articles of Incorporation (requires 2/3 vote to pass)
Both proposed amendments to the Articles of Incorporation passed.

Board Officers and Directors
Melinda Brown won election as BHCA Treasurer.
Three candidates won election to the Board as Directors: Sandi Wittenberg, Roy Fair and Jeanne Dietrich. Because this created an imbalance of sectional representation, Jeanne Dietrich cannot be seated for this term.
The Board, in accordance with the Bylaws, is responsible for appointing a Board member to achieve sectional representation, and at its Saturday meeting, appointed Devon Merritt (East) to serve as Director. Devon has accepted this call to service.

In the Sweepstakes Judges’ balloting, Brian Visokay won the election to judge. With his passing, Maria Bivens will judge Sweepstakes.

In regular judging, Bryan Martin will judge Intersex, Kitty Steidel will judge Bitches and Nicholas Frost will judge Dogs.