The following bitches have earned Register of Merit status from the Basset Hound Club of America for being the dam of at least five offspring that have achieved AKC titles.
Click here to view the list of dogs that have earned inclusion in the BHCA Register of Merit.
Click here to learn more about the Register of Merit.
CH Abbot Run Valley Gem
CH Ador's Charleston Charmer
CH Amazing Grace Of Craigwood
CH Ambrican Charmaine
GCH Ambrican Holly Golightly
Ambrican Upstart
CH Ann Dean's Blossom Of Magnolia
CH Arrowhead-Shylo-S Chinook
GFC Atwater Bayshore Gem
Babette Of St Hubert
Bantrybeigh's Miss Havisham
CH Bar-B Golddigger Gotcha
CH Barb-B Cheyenne Red Dawn
Barnyard 3 Oaks And Company
GCH Barnyard 3 Oaks Spark Of Hope
CH Barnyard Cellblock Sally
Barnyard Maredge Qualitytime
CH Bassett's Dark Delite
CH Bassett's Eloisea
CH Bassett's Miss Wrinkles
CH Bayartois Amy
CH Baywind-Craigwood Flurry
CH Bear Acres Just Plain Jane
CH Beartooth Opal
CH Beaujangles Think Blue
CH Beaujangles's Dun-D Boomerange
Beautiful Minnehaha
BeeCee's Anne Sparks
BeeCee’s Martina
CH Belbay Winning Look
Belyn's Jezebel Of Beaujangle
CH Betsy Ross XV
Bevlee's Athena
GCH Big League’s All The Way Mae
CH Big League’s Home Field Advantage
CH Birnam's Angel of Angelos
CH Birnam’s Tiger Baby
GCHB Blarney Stone's Black Rock-ette BN, RA, CGC
CH Bluvali Erin
GCH Bobac Chablis Jjb CD
CH Bobac Dulcinea
CH Bobac Duluxe of Switchstand
CH Bobac Isabella
CH BoBac Roses Glory of Birnam
CH Bodacious Lipizzazz
CH Bonamie Belle Of Craigwood
CH Bo-Na's Dot Barnyard Belle
Ch Bo-Na's Unree
Bone-A-Part Topsfield Tiz Tops
CH Bone-A-Parts Black Velvet
Bone-A-Parts Miss Demeanor
Bone-A-Parts Rome-Ing Kizzy
CH Bonnie Ridge Firebird
CH Boot Hills Savanna
FC Bose's Snowflake
CH Bossland Bittersweet
CH Bow Ridge's Liberty
CH Bowler's Girl Of Golden West
CH Bowler's Old Fashioned
CH Bracco Tiana Of Rockyridge
CH Branscombe Bianca, TD
DC Branscombe Bugle Ann TD
Branscombe Dancer, CD
DC Branscombe Dulcinea CD TD VC
Branscombe Gwyneth
FC Branscombe Horizon Heirline
CH Branscombe Portia, TD
CH Brendan's Fiona
CH Brendan's Vanessa
CH Brendan's Virginia Of Tara
CH Briarcrest Shawnee
CH Briarpatch's Blaze Of Glory
CH Briarpatch's Sweet Hyacinth
Briarpatch's Sweet Pea
CH Bricar's Midnight Lace
CH Bricars Morgan Lefay
FC Buck Creek Sand Hill
CH Bugle Bay's Amaretto TD
DC Bugle Bay's Anise O'Stillhouse TD
CH Bugle Bay’s Noodles TD
Bugle Bay's Casserole CD
CH Bugle Bay's Flambe of Harerun TD
CH Bugle Bay’s Linguine, CD, TD
CH Bugle Bay's Olive Garden At Kuuipo CDX, RE
CH Bugle Bay’s Ravioli, CD, TD
CH Bugle Bay's Sukiyaki
CH Bugle Bay’s Upside Down Cake, RA, CGC
Bugle Bay's Waffles
CH By-U-Cal's Buttons
CH By-U-Cal's Freckles
GCH By-U-Cals Margarita
CH By-U-Cals Sabrina
CH Callaways Gretel
CH Camma Farms Zasu Pitts
CH Candyland Stellar Legacy
CH Casey Chardonnay Alexander
GCH Castlehill’s Ten Cents A Dance
CH Castlehills Abbyroad Taffe
CH Castlehill's Ava Gardener
GCH Castlehill's Ginger Snap
CH Castlehill’s Ginjrogrs Brigadoon
CH Castlehill's High Postage
CH Castlehill's Legally Blonde
Ch Castlehill's Peg O' My Heart
CH Castlehill's Totally Fur Sure
Cedartrail Crystal Clear
FC Cedartrail Marmee
FC Cedartrail Mona
Cedartrail Tina
Chasan-N-Huffman Hill's Good Luck Charm
Chasan's Honky Tonk Blues
CH Chasan's Marguerita O'Thompson
CH Chez Bonheur Ante-Bellum CD TDX VC
CH CJ's Down Under Rose O'Sanlyn CD, CGC, SHH
CH CJ's Sapphire
DC CJ's Summertime Dream
CH Classic Brio
CH Classic Panache
CH Classic Zephyr
Clio De Belleau
Clothilda Von Skauton
Cloverhill Penny Arcade of Topsfield-Sanchu
GCH Cloverhill-Topsfield All in the Family of Sanchu
CH Concho's Senora Felicia
CH Coralwood's Broadway Taffy
CH Coran's Penelope O'George
Courtyards Kismet Of Hiflite
CH Craigwood All That Sparkles
CH Craigwood Feliz CD
CH Craigwood Lasting Impression
CH Craigwood Ol’South Withbellon
Craigwood Solo Dixie Lady
CH Craigwood's Briea Unforgettable
CH Craigwoods Chelsea of Birnam
CH Craigwood's Dixie Melody
CH Craigwood's Four Oaks Sparkle
Craigwood's Winter Rhapsody
Dailey's Sand Susie
CH Darwin's Dream V Grunsven
Dazzler Van Hollandheim
CH De-Alo's Sable Of Dusan
Desiree Acres Razberi Zinger
Dixie's Sho'Nuff
FC Dohrshire's Twiggy
CH Dreamland Joy O'Morningwood
CH Duchess Of Greenly Hall
Duchess Of Lyn-Mar Acres
CH Duncan Creek Rosie
CH Easter Of Elwill
CH Elysian Ivy Of Craigwood
Elysian Myrtle
CH Fanny Of En-Hu
CH First Class Chemin De Fer
CH First Class Dinah Shore of Dusan
CH First Class Garnish D’Roux
CH First Class Toasting Midnight
Fivecell's Wake Up Maggie
Flareout Aria
Fogel-Rich's Prime Rate
CH Fort Merrill Fiasco
CH Fort Merrill Hot Lipz
CH Fort Merrill Jolly Time Feliz
CH Fort Merrill Mae West
CH Foxcrest Feenreich’s Double Rainbow
Foxglen Dancin' Dolly
CH Foxglen Emily Brunner
CH Foxglen October Glory
CH Foxglen Princess Grace
CH Foxglen Red Hot Wheels
FC Friend Brook Lena
FC Friend Brook's She's A Pepper
Gin Dic's Dream Pudding
Gin Dic's First Love O’Silvan
CH Glenvue's Polite To Point
CH Gwendolyn Of Mandeville
CH Gynlyfyn's Rebecca
GCH Gypsy’s Twilight Rose Vickybe
CH Halcyon Farfelu Miracle O'Brstlecn
CH Hamlin's Missie
CH Hartland's Crystal
Hartshead Magnolia
FC Hasshund Portia
CH Headline Of Lyn-Mar Acres
CH Heartland's Jewel
Helix Chloe
Helix Doctor Michayla Quinn
GCH Houndwalker's Jamaica Me Crazy
CH Ingrams Hobbit Hill Daisy Mae
CH Jane Eyre P Beaureguarde
CH JEM Lil Red Delicious
CH Jercat's Ballou
Jercat's Lily Langtry
Jercat's Rave Review
CH Jolly Time Peppertree Lola
Kahl Me Pretty Pretty Girl
CH Kaleidoscope Color Coded
CH Kaleidoscope's True Colors
GCH Kaskade Never Met Picasso
CH Kazoo's Flora Tina
CH Kazoo's Frances
CH Kazoo's Question Mark
Kazoo’s Tina Marie
CH Kelmic's Tator Tot
CH Kimber's Go For Gin
Kinslow's Due Bill
CH Lady Bird Klutch
CH Laguna's Eleanor Roosevelt
CH LeClair's Magnolia
CH Leifland's Born For Love
CH Leifland's Iz The Wiz
CH Leslie P Beaureguarde
CH Lil Bit Like Orange Blossom
CH Lil' Creek Additional Premium
CH Lillian P Beaureguarde
CH Lil Ol Christie of Cama
Ch Lloyal's Belle Star
CH Lloyal's Moon Beam
CH Long View Acres Donna
CH Long View Acres Frannie
CH Long View Acres Gold Nugget
Long View Acres Simba
CH Longhorn Hot Blues-Cool Jazz
CH Longhorn’s Express Delivery
CH Longhorn's All That Jazz
CH Longhorn's Bellameade
CH Longhorn's Peggy Sue 221 Look's Bashful
FC Lowrie's Taffy
Lu How's Winnipesaukee
Lyn-Mar Acres Lonesome
CH Lyn-Mar Acres Michelle
CH Manor Hill Love Unlimited
CH Maredge Sasbet Anagram
Margem Hills Fair Lady
Margem Hills Hustlin' Harriet
FC McWilliams' Dixie Buttercup
FC McWilliams' Dixie Cup
FC McWilliams' Lu Wheez
FC McWilliams' Mint Julep
CH Me-Don's Country Girl
Miss Jenny Magoo
CH Morningwood Bearcreek Alexis
CH Musicland's Adagio Contralto
CH Musicland's Annabel Lee
CH Musicland's Clinging Vine
CH Musicland's Hit Song
CH Musicland's Jessamine
CH Musicland's Jolene
CH Musicland's Morning Glory
CH Musicland's Oh Atlanta
CH Musicland's Opal
CH Musicland's Poinciana
CH Musicland's Ravishing Ruby
CH Musicland's Rosemarie
CH Musicland's Southem Comfort CD TD
CH Musicland's Tico Tico
CH My Luv's Blossom
CH Nancy Evans Redskin
FC No Problem Pricilla
CH Nokenom's Mozette Of Russta
CH Nosey Black Beauty
CH Nosey Vicky B’s Dottie West
CH Notrenom's Housaboutdot
CH Oakae's Just Dessert CD
CH Ol'South's Craigwood Beclove Ex's & Oh's
GCH Ol'South's' Rolling in The Deep
CH Ol' South's Sookie Stackhouse
CH Ol' South's Tri-M's Making Whoopee
CH Olde Fashion Burnin' Desire
CH Olde Fashion Bustle
CH Olde Fashion Candyland Rag Doll
CH Olde Fashion La Rose Bon Femme
CH Olde Fashion La Salle CD
CH Olde Fashion Little Lulu
Olde Fashion Wild Irish Rose
CH Oxboro Egret We’ve Seen A Few, TD
GFC Party Time Red Beauty
CH Penkay's Ol' South Honolulu
FC Perkiomen Songbird
FC Pettit's Irish Dream
FC Pettit's Irish Spring
GFC Pettit's Katelyn
FC Pettit’s Luck Of The Irish
Pettits Maine Attraction
FC Pettit's McMurphy
FC Pettit's Meadow Lark
Pettit's Phyllis
FC Pettit's Rare Treat
FC Pettit's So Long Cincinnati
CH Pinedell-Rhinelan Gretchen
Poverty Knob's Tribute To Maz
Que Sera B's Debutante
R Paws Redd E Set Go
CH R Paws Snowflake Obsidian CD, CGC
CH Rabbit Run Aspen of Turo
CH Rabbit Run Charlotte
Rabbit Run Emily
Rabbit Run Faith
CH Rabbit Run Romeo’s Juliette
Rabbit Run Tallahassee
GCH Rabbit Run Wanda
CH Ran-Su's Fanny Farmer
CH Rapscallion's Nacho Business O'Bridi
Ch Rapscallion's Nacho Money Honey
CH Rebec's Fuzzy Navel CGC
CH Rebec’s Kiss Me Kate
CH Rebec's Moody Blues
CH Rebelglen's A Minor Calamity
CH Red Bay Heavens to Betsy
CH Reepa's Sassy Cassy
Renaissance Mona Lisa
GCH Reveille's Curtain Call
Rey Mar's Jalepena Salsa CDX
CH Richardson's Autumn Fire
Rio Vista Minnie Haha
CH Rivendell Sanlyn First Class
CH Rivendell Sanlyn Heaven Sent
CH Rivendell's Bijou Rouge
CH Rivendell's Bodacious Onyx
DC Rivercity Absolute Adventure
GCHB DC Rivercity Clandestine Maneuver
CH Riverlane Ricochet Romance
FC Rocki Creek Faith
CH Rome-ing Mary Louweezee
CH Rome-ing Polka O'Thompson
CH Rome-ing’s Wand’rin Peggy Sue
CH Rosebud's Dale Evans
CH Rosebud's Farrah Fawcett
CH Rosebud's Misty Morn
CH Rosebud's Pleasure
CH Rosehill's July's Tiffiney
FC Rosie's Genny
FC Rosie's Gentle
Samantha Millisa
CH Sanchu's Bagatelle
CH Sanchu's Creme De Mocha
CH Sanchu’s Ginger
CH Sanchu's Sarah
CH Sanlyn's Condition Red
DC Sanlyn’s Heirline Dreamliner BN, RE, TDX
CH Sanlyns Jenna Luv Of Tailgate
CH Sanlyn’s RJ’s Harvest Moon
CH Santanna-Mandeville Phoebe
CH Sara Bayburnhart
CH Sasquatch American Dream
CH Sasquatch Cost A Plenty
CH Sasquatch Dare To Dream
CH Sasquatch Easter Parade
CH Sasquatch Hidden Treasure
CH Sasquatch Once Upon A Time
CH Sasquatch Pridnjoy of Brastx
CH Sasquatch Sparkle Plenty
CH Sasquatch The Wind Mariah
CH Scamp's Ombre Rose
CH Scheilar's Serena
CH Sedgwick's Maureen O'Hara
CH Sedgwick's Sarah O’Sullivan
CH Shadow's Snow White
Shellbark’s Dena
FC Shellbark’s Ronnie
Shoefly's Kahlua 'N Coffee
CH Shoefly's Kahlua N'Cream
Shoefly's Mint Julep
CH Showtime's Amazin' Grace
CH Shylo's Cassiopeia
Silvan Fouroak Rose is ‘Rosee
CH Silvan Hilbilly Winter Rose
Silvan Rose is 'ROSE
CH Silver Bow's Guinevere
Silver Bow's Red Dove
Sitruc's Annie Oakley
CH Sitruc's Innocent Marcie
Sleepyeye Butterscotch Drop
FC Slippery Hill Gegenschein
FC Slippery Hill Moonshine
FC Slippery Hill Prudence
CH Solow Craigwood's Here We Go Again
CH Solow's Agatha Twisty Two
CH Solows Magnabid O Craigwood TD
Soundtrack Almost Paradise MHH, NAP
CH Southlake Kinsey M TD
Southlake Meg
Southlake Miss Hayley
CH Speis O Lif’s Gypsy
CH Speis O Lif’s Sassafras
CH Speis O Lif's Mrs. Calabash
CH Splash’s Peanut Butter Cup RN
CH Splash's Surfer Girl
DC Stillhouse Abigail CD, TDX
CH Stonewall Divine Miss M
GCH Stonewall Dorothy
CH Stonewall Fantasy
CH Stonewall Ol'South Dolores
CH Stoneybluff Prairie Flower TD
Stoneybluff Spring Rain
Stoneybluff Vertigo
Susy Blue Ridge
Susy Blue Ridge
CH Switchstand's Broadway Lt
CH Sylvia Jane P Beaureguard
CH Symphony's Diva
CH Symphony's Ovation
CH Tailgate Carmen-Miranda
CH Tailgate Daphne
CH Tailgate Magnolia
Tailgate Reba Kincade
Tailgate Stars & Stripes 4Ever
CH Tailgate Tootsagana
Tal-E-Ho's Bubbles
CH Tal-E-Ho's Fiesta
CH Tal-E-Ho's Lotus
CH Tal-E-Ho's Red Pepper
Tal-E-Ho's Sabrina
CH Tal-E-Ho's Scamp
CH Tangy V Hollandheim
Tantine's Easter Candy
Tantivy Blonde Sidonia
CH Tess Von Skauton CD
CH Thompson's Copper-Peg
CH Thompson's Fancy Lady O'Chasan
CH Toby's Tristesse
CH Topsfield Fresca
CH Topsfield Jingle Bells
CH Topsfield Loop-The-Loop
CH Topsfield Maredge Splenda
CH Topsfield Merry-Go-Round
CH Topsfield Peppermint Patty
CH Topsfield-Sanchu Biscotti
CH Topsfield-Sanchu Soda Pop, CD, RN
CH Touchstone’s Betty Boop, CD
CH Touchstone Driving Miss Daisy
CH Touchstone's Dawgzilla
Trigold's Mistletoe
GCH Tri-M's Some Like It Hot
CH Trumbulls Rabbitrun Judy In Disguise
Tumbleweed's Party Doll
CH Underhill’s Miss Tabatha
CH Underhill's Peppermint Pattie CD
Vahhala's Harriet
CH Vahhala's Retsof Diana
Vahhalla's Miss Print
Ventura Abbey Von Skauton
CH Viclee's Muffin Jacobsen
DC Vision Houndarosa Box of Chocolates
CH Vision Keep the Faith
CH Vision Sing My Praises
DC Vision Topsfield Love Comes Softly
CH Vogue's Daffodil
CH Vogue's Sophisticated Lady
CH Wagtail's Mischief Maker
CH Webb's Black Amanda
CH Westwind Miz Jemima
CH Windmaker's Sadiron Connie
CH Windsock’s Autry at Big League
GCH Woebgon’s Kickapoo Joy Juice
CH Woodhaven's Grace Under Fire
CH Woodhaven's Symphony
CH Woodhaven's Tickle My Fancy
CH Woodhaven's Winds of Ka'Imiloa
CH Woodhaven's Windy City
Woodstock Thalia
Wrinkles Von Skauton
Wudeclif's Desdemona
This list was last updated November 1, 2022.