Judges Education
The BHCA Judges Education Committee provides a great selection of educational opportunities and tools for aspiring AKC Judges, including The Illustrated Standard of the Basset Hound, The Pocket Guide to the Basset Hound, a narrated presentation on the Basset Hound, several articles, and live seminars presented at events throughout the United States.
If you are interested in judging this wonderful breed, be sure to take advantage of the materials provided for you, as well as the seminars and mentoring that is available to you. Welcome to the Basset Hound!
Judges Education Committee
Meet the members of the Judges Education Committee and contact the Chairperson.
Seminar Schedule
View the current Schedule to find an upcoming seminar on the Basset Hound with contact information included.
Member Judges
The BHCA maintains a list of Member Judges. See that here!
BHCA Approved Mentor List
Looking for a BHCA-Approved Mentor? Look here.
Judges' Education Materials
Judges Education Seminar 
Narrated overview of the Basset.
Official AKC Breed Standard
A complete knowledge of the Standard is a must.
The BHCA Illustrated Standard
Designed to enhance the Official Breed Standard.
Breed Standard & Terminology
Enhance your knowledge of the Standard & Terminology
Survey of Basset Literature
Expand your understanding of the Basset Hound through early articles.
Basset Hound Pocket Guide
Overview of the important points to consider when judging the Basset.
This is a link to a printable PDF suitable for carrying to the ring.
Recent Articles & Items of Interest
Enjoy these recent articles and items of interest about the Basset.
ABC's of Canine Anatomy
Available through AKC Canine College. Learn Canine Anatomy & Movement.