Basset Hound – A World of Giants Among Dwarfs is the continuation of the wide-ranging, and captivating series of Basset Hound books published as educational tools to be enjoyed.
This book celebrates hounds that seem to have made a difference … possibly unique individuals who, through their natural qualities, circumstance, or abilities, might have had a key historical influence within or outside the breed, no matter when in time or place. Not all can be worldly or national in scope, some are regional or between partnering kennels. Nonetheless, they have left a larger imprint than most of the rest.
With over fifty-years as a breeder-owner-handler and then judge, author, Randy Frederiksen, has produced a work that complements both previous popular books, Basset Hound – A World History and Basset Hound – A World Directory. Together, they form a trilogy of hardcover books on the world of the Basset Hound. Illustrated with hundreds of photographs, it's an easy-to-read photobook for those new to the Basset Hound breed and an fascinating overview for the experienced enthusiast.
320 glossy pages and hardcover. 100% of proceeds go to the Basset Hound Club of America.
Initial sales will be at the 2023 BHCA Nationals. Shipping will begin in early September.
Shipping is an additional $8 per book in the U.S. Those wishing to send the book outside the U.S. should contact for the mailing cost.
Take advantage of this limited edition book and the special price while supplies last!
PLEASE DO NOT ORDER REGULAR BHCA MERCHANDISE (Books, Illustrated Standard, etc...) with NATIONALS ORDERS! Submit as separate orders.